Chest Acne

Chest acne appears among most people around the globe and if neglected this will be dangerous for your health. You may find pimples and acne on your face and find yourself very uncomfortable in dealing with it. However, when you find pimples in another part of your body you are little bit of doubtful. As acne usually are found on face; so it seems little odd when you get it on chest or on neck area.

But the reality is that around 54% of women and approximately 40% of men get chest acne. Survey thus proves that women are more affected from chest acne than men and like face acne whiteheads, blackheads, pimples all these signs are appeared on the chest. Worldwide large numbers of people are caught by chest acne. There is no bound in age for getting a chest acne. Teenagers, young adults and even old people all face such problem. This is a dangerous skin condition which can feel you awkward among people.

Causes of Chest Acne

Why you have acne on chest is just similar with the reason of your getting a face acne. Here also your oil gland is responsible. The secretion of an added amount of oil creates the trouble. Your pores do not get any blank space and the repercussion comes as acne and pimples. All these functions are happened due to the cause of hormonal instability. The male sex hormone, androgen affects men and women and both of them suffer from acne and pimples on their chest.

Chest Acne Treatment

If you want to win over chest acne you must do the following things–

Neat and clean: You must stay fresh and clean to avid chest acne. If your pores are well-cleaned you will have less probability to experience chest acne. You may cover this skin disease under your dress, still when you use any type of oil or soap you can get severe form of this acne. But you have to remember that an over wash of your chest area will not be a good thought. So try to remain clean without disturbing your body.

Loose-dresses: Try as much as possible wearing loose clothes. If you put on a tight dress, it will affect the chest acne and you may have to suffer from inflammation. Also be careful when you are sleeping in bed. While you are turning around your acne may be rubbed which is not a good thing for you.

Antibiotics: Discuss with your doctor if you need any oral antibiotics for fighting with chest acne. If he prescribes just take it. Avoid squeezing a chest acne because it can go around other parts of your body.

Benzoyl peroxide: Benzoyl peroxide is good for treating chest acne. Use it before you go to sleep.

Acne lotion: You can try some lotions that treat chest acne. Lotion which is made of herbs such as neem, aloe vera, turmeric will greatly help you.

Toothpaste: You can ask your beautician about some of the topical treatments. It is said that toothpastes are good in curing acne. You can apply little quantity of toothpaste on your chest. It will give you advantages in treating chest acne.

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